Youth Education, The Role of Youth in Society

Written by: WFWP Cambodia

On November 29, the Royal School of Administration (RSA) and Kratie Provincial Department of Education, Youth and Sports, held a youth education program for high school and university students in Kratie. Students from three high schools and one university were invited. Through this program, WFWP Cambodia hoped to encourage them to be good citizens who would lead the country. The program was fully supported by the Rector at the University of Kratie, who hosted the event. Academics from those institutions were present at the program.

In the cities, parents or children of low-income households start working at a younger age. Children will be denied the chance to experience and reflect on family life if family members are not present during childhood, especially during adolescence. Additionally, for financial reasons, a lot of young individuals get married before they have had a chance to consider their obligations as members of society. In this context, this program was created to help young people understand the importance of the meaning of their own lives, the responsibility of leaving home, and the value of forming a family.

The opening remarks were given by the President of RSA, and the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Civil Service. Based on the content of WFWP’s lectures, he gave a very interesting talk about personal and global happiness, the value of family, and what it means to take a leadership role in society, along with his own experiences. He was pleased that WFWP Cambodia conducted this program for the young people who will be future leaders.

There appear to be more instances of young people unknowingly participating in crimes as Cambodia grows more globally connected. WFWP Cambodia would like to keep imparting wisdom to the youth so that they can make the right decisions and stay on their own path.