
1992 +

Women’s Federation for World Peace International is founded in the Republic of Korea and incorporated in New York

1994 +

Mrs. Gil Ja Sa becomes 1st president of WFWP International

1,600 volunteers go to 160 countries for the first humanitarian projects

1st Bridge of Peace Ceremony held in Korea between Japanese and Korean women

1997 +

WFWP is granted General Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations as well as in association with the United Nations Department of Public Information

1st Annual Women's Conference for Peace in the Middle East (MEW) is held in Istanbul

Prof. Lan Young Moon becomes 2nd president of WFWP International

2012 +

Global Women's Peace Network is announced by co-founder Rev. Sun Myung Moon

2014 +

Prof. Yeon Ah Moon becomes 3rd president of WFWP International

2017 +

WFWP celebrates its 25th anniversary

2019 +

Julia H. Moon becomes 4th president of WFWP International