Ghana: Character Education in Accra

Ghana: Character Education in Accra

APRIL 24, 2018  

WFWP Ghana has been visiting schools in Accra to provide character education to students in primary, junior high and senior high schools. Every academic year, Ghana Education Service authorizes WFWP Ghana to carry on these programs in many schools.

The focus of WFWP Ghana's Character Education for the past five years has been HIV/AIDS. They are now collaborating with local youth in Accra to establish abstinence clubs in schools, called WAIT clubs. Since the beginning of the 2017-2018 academic year, WFWP Ghana has met hundreds of students from various schools in Accra and its suburbs to promote this new initiative. WAIT Clubs have been recently launched in Progressive Faith Preparatory School and Lizabeth International School. About one hundred students have registered to join.

This year's round of character education started off well with a program given on February 14th to over 250 students and teachers in Golden Light School, located at Lomnava, a suburb of Accra. The students were encouraged to opt for a life of abstinence before marriage. The headmasters of both schools allocated Fridays and Saturdays for WAIT club activities.