Chad Summer Camp turns to a Seminar on Character Education

Written by: Letecia Cueme

WFWP Chad organized a summer camp which took place on September 7-9, 2022 at Lycee Feminine National High School in the capital of Ndjamena. The goal was to teach twelve chapters of a character education (CE) curriculum to students who started the CE seminar last year. In addition WFWP Chad aimed also to work in partnership with the Ministry of Education. There were a total of 55 participants ranging from high school to university students, teachers, the Principal of the Lycee Feminine, representatives from the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Entrepreneurship, a representative from a political party and the Vice Dean of the University of Ndjamena.

As a follow up of our Youth Leadership Training last year, WFWP created a Youth Summer Camp project proposal. It was sent to companies, institutions and government ministries for sponsorship. The Ministry of Youth, Sports and Entrepreneurship responded with a promise to support and send a representative. The Ministry of Education expressed interest in collaborating but wanted to know more about our project first by sending a representative who attended the event. Due to inclusive national dialogue, the summer camp was limited to a 3-day seminar on character education (CE) at Lycee Feminine National High School. Our 55 participants stayed until the end of the seminar. While the Vice Dean could stay only the first day due to her schedule, she showed her appreciation, and encouraged everyone to continue. She promised to support future activities of WFWP Chad.

There was a Q & A at the end of every chapter taught. During break time informal discussions, one representative from the Ministry of Education stated that “if only this teaching was taught in the school many years ago the situation in Chad would have been better.”

Chad has more than 50 percent Muslim population and polygamy is legal in the country. The topic about sexual purity and fidelity created a lot of discussion. The lecturers emphasized the ideals and the representatives of different ministries contributed to discussions to identify the pros and cons of polygamy. By the third day the 12 chapters of the CE curriculum were taught completely. There was a review of the lectures, which came to the conclusion that peace can be achieved by “living for the sake of others.”

All participants were asked to write their evaluations and comments on distributed forms. Two students expressed in front of the private television camera their gratitude to WFWP and their recommendation that the government support in disseminating the character education curriculum to youth throughout Chad. This was followed by distributions of certificates of attendance. Private national radio and television were present on that culmination day. WFWP Chad’s initiative was aired on radio FM Espoir and Electron TV Journal on September 10, 2022. Which can be found on their Facebook page. The CEO of this private television network attended the Summit for Peace 2020 in Korea hosted by the Universal Peace Federation.

Through this initiative, WFWP Chad aimed to serve as well the UN Sustainable development Goals (SDGs) 4, 5, 10 and17. WFWP Chad plans to continue visiting and discussing with the representatives of the different government ministries to organize future character education training opportunities for educators and students.