UN CSW68 Parallel Event

The Women's Federation for World Peace International (WFWPI) hosted a Parallel Event on March 12, 2024, during the 68th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68), in New York City. The theme, "Nourishing Change: Women as Catalysts for Food Security, Economic Development & Climate Resilience," highlighted the need for empowering women to address global challenges. This hybrid gathering included 92 participants from around the world, 67 in-person attendees and 25 participants joining online. The event commenced with opening remarks from Ms. Merly Barlaan, the Director of WFWPI, laying the groundwork for transformative discussions.

Ms. Merly Barlaan, IVP, Chief Administrative Officer, and Deputy Director of the WFWPI Offices for UN Relations, showcased the efforts of WFWPI by presenting a brief video and extended greetings to all delegates participating in the parallel event. She discussed the theme, introduced the speakers, and provided a detailed explanation of the program. Ms. Barlaan concluded by introducing the speaker for the opening remarks. Her message captured the importance of the event's theme and set the stage for the insightful talks that followed.

Ms. Moriko Hori, President of the Women's Federation for World Peace International (WFWPI) and President of WFWP Japan, warmly welcomed delegates from diverse regions. She shared about WFWPI’s commitment to raising women and girls who are benefactors to women who can become beneficiaries. Ms. Hori's observations offered a thorough framework for grasping the interconnections among food security, economic development, and climate resilience, effectively leading the audience to the core of the ongoing discussion.

The event's first speaker, H.E. Ambassador Vivian Okeke, a Representative of the Director General of the IAEA to the United Nations and director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Liaison Office in New York, brought a wealth of diplomatic experience to the forefront. Ambassador Okeke emphasized the essential role women play in addressing global challenges, emphasizing the need for collaboration and shared responsibility. Her insights illuminated the path toward a more inclusive and sustainable world.

Hon. Loren Legarda, Senator, Republic of the Philippines, delivered a video message, emphasizing that Empowering women is not an attempt to transfer power from men to women...rather, it is recognizing the strength and resilience of women who are able to transform crisis into opportunities, adversity into capacity”. Hon. Loren Legarda's words resonated deeply, highlighting the critical role of women in addressing key global challenges.

Ms. Maica Teves, Executive Director of SPARK, represents the women's sector in the Philippine Development Council. She shared her valuable insights about Partnership in Financing, focusing on Effective partnerships as the key for addressing complex societal problems. Her contribution to the discourse centered on creating inclusive and equitable economic systems, emphasizing the transformative power of women in these processes.

Hon. Denise Wilkerson, a Councilwoman-at-Large, Roselle, New Jersey highlighted women's transformative impact in driving progress drawing on her personal experience with three generations of maternal leadership. Her experiences showcased the tangible impact of empowered women in driving progress.

Ms. Simbo Sojinrin, President, Women’s Consortium of Nigeria, presented insights into sustainable practices and entrepreneurial solutions underscored the role of women as agents of change in the face of environmental challenges.

The conclusion of the event involved acknowledging and presenting awards to Global Women Ambassadors who have shown remarkable dedication and outstanding contribution. The Global Women’s Peace Ambassador Awards were awarded to H.E. Ambassador Vivian Okeke, Ms. Maica Teves, Hon. Denise Wilkerson, and Ms. Simbo Sojinrin.

To close the event, Carolyn Handschin, the International Vice President and Director of the WFWPI Offices for UN Relations, and the President of the NGO Committee on the Status of Women at the United Nations in Geneva, delivered Closing Remarks. Her words contained the essence of the discussions, providing a call to action as the participants left inspired and equipped to continue the collaborative efforts towards a sustainable and equitable world.

In conclusion, the CSW68 Parallel Event hosted by WFWPI was a remarkable platform for thought-provoking insights and sharing in recognizing women's role in nourishing change for global food security, economic development, and climate resilience. The event's impact will undoubtedly be enclosed in the ongoing efforts towards achieving a more inclusive and sustainable future.