Mother's Heart Peace Network in Kenya-Kibera

WFWP’s Mother’s Heart Peace Network visited Kibra on April 10, 2021, at the invitation of Madam Ruth, Chairwoman of Women Leaders in Kibra. The event was held at St. Jerome, Gatwikira.

The women leaders who attended received special education from Mrs. Patricia Rangala on family values and wellness. Mrs. Rangala spoke about the conscious and subconscious mind and its implication on our life, as well as ways in which we can overcome negative emotions, fear and avoid being overcome by stress. She also emphasized the need for gratitude, regardless of any circumstances. After the presentation, a Q&A session was held.

The Mother’s Heart Peace Network was a grand success and the WFWP team who organized this event were even asked to organize more meetings and talks at the Women Leaders’ respective organizations and groups. The women leaders expressed their thanks for the empowering talks. To conclude the event, an entertainment piece was performed by Ms. Zawadi, a youth WFWP member.

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