Launching of WFWP Regional Chapter Antioquia and Eje Cafetero and the Appointment of Global Partners and Global Ambassadors for Peace

Written by: Andrea Fayad 

The Women’s Federation for World Peace Colombia has been working and developing different programs with social leaders in the country and different regions. On March 25, 2023, WFWP Colombia named its first global partners organization, “Network of Victims Survivors.” The award was received by 30 leaders of the network, each of whom led 30 different organizations. For WFWP it was an honor to give the award to all these amazing leaders, and WFWP Colombia looks forward to continuing to collaborate together as peace builders.

There were three Ambassadors for Peace: Dr. Yucelly Rincón, Dr. Alexandra Virviescas and Dr. Carlos Alberto Gutierrez. Dr. Rincón works in the area of the defense of human rights. She has held positions in the Ombudsman's Office, House of Representatives, Congress of the Republic and the Attorney General's Office, demonstrating her commitment to one of the most vulnerable causes.

Dr. Virviescas has served as former Deputy Ombudsman of Medellin, Director of the Conciliation Center of the Ombudsman's Office of Medellin, assistant of Ombudsman, Deputy Ombudsman of the Unit for the Protection of the Public Interest and lawyer of the women's dupla in the territory for the Secretary of Women. She currently serves as Undersecretary of Human Rights of the Secretariat of Social Inclusion, Family and Human Rights.

Dr. Gutierrez is a lawyer specializing in administrative law, holding a master’s in Government and Territorial Planning and Population Dynamics. He has worked as advisor to the Secretary of Government, Secretary of Human Management and Citizen Service of the Mayor's Office of Medellin. He currently serves as Undersecretary of local government. His professional activity has been characterized by working with communities and in the territories.

The program began with words from the Director of the Museo Casa de la Memoria, Edwin Arias. He is a political scientist from the National University of Colombia and has worked for years with victims' organizations and various NGOs. He worked in the Territorial Spaces for Training and Reincorporation (ETCR) of Santa Lucia and was Peace Advisor in the municipality of Ituango, Colombia. Luis Giraldo, gave some words.  He is a political scientist from the University of Antioquia with a master's in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Rennes. A great ally of the organizations that defend rights, he has been a fundamental part in the accompaniment of the victims' network and now serves in the Mayor's Office of Medellin.

A group of young dancers called, “The Big Boss Dance” gave a beautiful and energetic presentation honoring all women peace builders. An urban music singer named Sebas Cuesta, known as “Swaggy,” shared his talent with the audience as well. Mrs. Maria Alejandra Arenas, local WFWP Director for Antioquia and Eje Cafetero, organized and put her heart, energy, effort and love to bring all this community together and held this wonderful event and awards ceremony.