Finding Harmony Between Personal Wellbeing and Responsibilities: A Key for Success (WFWP Italy)

Written by: Elisabetta Nistri

On October 15, WFWP Italy hosted a webinar titled: “Finding Harmony Between Personal Wellbeing and Responsibilities: A Key for Success.” The purpose of this event was to provide tools that help individuals to be aware of their inner life, to avoid stress and burnout. Many times we lose control of our life, always rushing with things to do, forgetting to care about human relationships and for ourselves.

The webinar was opened by Elena Chirulli, leader of Youth WFWP Italy, with a video of WFWPI President, Ms. Julia Moon, who explained the many activities WFWP is doing all around the world. Elisabetta Nistri, President of WFWP Italy, reported shortly about the recent activities in Italy and Europe and introduced the topic underlining the importance to find peace inside ourselves. She stated, “As Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon is showing with her example, the peace we are talking is an active peace, that involves taking care and sharing this peace with others too.”

Deborah Calì, personal life coach, was the main speaker at this webinar. She is passionate about helping women find a healthy balance in their daily routines so that they can achieve their goals without getting exhausted. She talked about the importance of self-care and of avoiding excessive stress and burnout and shared some tools and techniques to bring calmness and serenity into our everyday lives. Many guests sent their questions in asking for advice on how to get out of some difficult situations and she answered by sharing some of her own experiences and giving very practical examples.

Ms. Calì, encouraged the audience to bring themselves back to the center of their lives and to make a conscious choice about their personal wellbeing. She closed with the quote by R.W. Emerson, “The only person you’re destined to become is the one you decide to be.”

You can view the recording of this webinar here

For more information on Ms. Deborah Calì, please visit here