Fostering Peace through the Arts


WFWP in Russia has three main activities: intercultural peace-making programs, moral and family education and charity programs for elder people and disabled children.

Our national chapter in Russia has held many of WFWP's signature "Bridge of Peace" ceremonies, along with several other European countries, including Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy and Germany. We created a children's ensemble, Angels of Peace, in 2008 to tour and promote peace-building through the arts. 

We organize an annual Intercultural Children's Festival, "Children are angels of peace," which offers children of different nationalities the opportunity to take part in many social and charity projects.

The annual Intercultural Family Festival, "Family World," brings together strong, talented families from all over the region to promote true family values and intercultural cooperation and tolerance.

One of the main issues in this country is the necessity of moral and family education for young people. WFWP has held many lectures on Pure Love and moral education at schools and colleges, as well as several masterclasses for teachers and psychologists.