Young Women Leaders Retreat


Twenty-one young women representing eight countries and nine WFWPI leaders from four of the seven WFWPI regions gathered together in New York City for Women Federation for World Peace, International's first annual Young Women's Leadership Retreat. It was an honor to have WFWPI President, Prof. Yeon Ah Moon, participate in the entire retreat, which spanned from Friday night through Sunday night, and featured a packed schedule of lectures and activities. The group size was capped at thirty in order to foster an intimate setting in which participants could absorb the educational materials and connect to and empower one another to further the work and vision of WFWPI.


The retreat took place during the weekend between the two weeks of the 60th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW60). Many of the retreat participants had already been in the city for several days, participating in CSW60. A two-week annual event, CSW offers participants a rich, diverse array of events, in the UN as well as throughout the city, hosted by UN member states and NGOs.


The retreat opening dinner was held on Friday, March 18. After a brief introduction to the weekend by Mrs. Alexa Ward, International Vice President and Deputy Director of the UN Office for WFWPI, participants enjoyed a buffet-style dinner. Following the meal, each participant introduced herself to the group by sharing a bit about her background as well as one fun fact. After introductions, participants divided up into two groups, each bound for a house in Queens. For this trial year, two large houses were rented out through Airbnb.


Saturday morning participants ate breakfast in their houses in Queens and then returned to Manhattan for a day rich with education and empowerment. Dr. Padmini Murthy, a medical doctor who serves on the Executive Committee of NGO CSW NY, kicked-off the morning with a talk entitled, "Women as Advocates Rock the World." In her lecture, she gave many examples of women throughout history who have made significant impact through advocacy. The second speaker was Dr. Thomas Ward, Dean of the College of Public and International Affairs at the University of Bridgeport. He gave a clarifying overview of the history and founding of the United Nations. The third speaker, Mr. Donald Lee from the UN Department of Public Information (DPI), gave a talk on the importance of the new Sustainable Development Goals and the impact of such goals on the future of the world. Following this session, the group broke for lunch.