USA: Leadership of the Heart Seminar

USA: Leadership of the Heart Seminar

OCTOBER 10, 2019  

What does it mean to lead with the heart?


On a rainy afternoon in Washington, D.C., 30 people participated in an experiential educational seminar on the topic of self-worth, healing our inner child, and transforming ourselves through unconditional love. 

The WFWP DC, Maryland, and Virginia chapters co-hosted the Leadership of the Heart Seminar series for the second time this year on Saturday, September 8th at The Washington Times headquarters.

What a richly packed afternoon! It started with a beautiful rendition of "You Raise Me Up" sung by Ahna Stewart, creating a high and light atmosphere. This set the stage for Angelika Selle, President of WFWP USA, who gave a brief introduction to WFWP USA and the latest news from WFWP's founder, reminding us of the vision of WFWP and sparking inspiration and hope for the future. President Selle then introduced the Leadership of the Heart seminar, which is a three-part series. She explained that the essence of leading with the heart is a femininely and masculinely balanced form of leadership. She emphasized that the feminine style of leadership has been overlooked for the better part of history; we are here now to highlight it and bring forth the unique, powerful leadership style women innately have.

Tanya Selle, Chairwoman of the WFWP Maryland Chapter, then delved into the heart of the session, exploring the topic of Self-Value/Self-Worth, the tools to continue developing it in our lives, and how to begin healing things that may have caused low self-worth. She emphasized that a real leader of the heart knows their true value and feels their divine worth because it is from that place of security and unconditional self-love and self-care that one can love and serve others most genuinely and to the fullest.

Throughout the talk, she led the group through various journaling exercises, discussions and meditations to get to the core of where their value comes from and how to come to realize their innate divineness, including declaring affirmations and taking power stances to increase immediate confidence. She also handed out a "Cheat Sheet" for building confidence when you need a quick fix to feel your value more.

Ms. Selle asked the participants to look and feel deeply into themselves, to bring back that inner child who knows they are fully loved and valued, as she believes it is from that place of healing and love that we can feel our full worth as a fully valued and loved unique child of God. Several participants shared honest, insightful, and deep experiences from the meditations and discussions.

To drive the point home, additional expert  speakers gave illuminating and extremely enriching presentations. The first was Nana Nazeeha Howard, a music therapist, who gave an in-depth session on music meditation. With the help of a gong and zither, one-by-one she played these instruments around each participant, while guiding them to receive the love flowing during the exercise. Many participants expressed feeling connected to each other and  supported.

Another powerful speaker was Sarah Oben, a life coach, who spoke about "Beauty from the Inside Out". She guided the participants through discussions and asked them to dig deep into what they felt were their inward and outward beauty traits. Ms. Oben emphasized that by truly embracing and highlighting both those inward and outward traits of beauty, they are being generous to the world. Looking good, she says, in its own right is sharing with the world their most unique expression and creation that God made.

As 50% of the seminar fee was being donated to the Schools of Africa projects, Elizabeth Aihe, Chairwoman of the WFWP DC Chapter, gave a brief presentation on the schools in Africa, sharing about how some of the graduates are excelling in the business world there. Minister Chi Mauuso, Co-Chairwoman of the WFWP DC Chapter, also shared about the Day of Service annual service project event, which is happening on October 18 this year in Washington, DC.

To complete the program, participants shared in a "Toast to Peace" and enjoyed some delicious homemade snacks. To complement the seminar and the message of inner and outer beauty, a WFWP MD member, Mary Holden, sold jewelry, where 40% of the profits went to the Schools of Africa projects as well.

A huge thanks goes out to, Angelika Selle, Elizabeth Aihe, Zena Ruf, Tanya Selle, Emaculate Mungye, Vicki Phelps, Minister Chi Mauuso, Dottie Chiquelo, Emiko Butler, Li Ping Gardiner, Jane Karimi, Wasana Catalan, Judie LeJeune, Ahna Stewart, Otmar Weinmann, Rev. Randy Francis, and other volunteers. They were a united and harmonious team, which created a warm, inviting, festive, safe, rejuvenating, empowering, inspiring environment for all to take home with them in their hearts.

WFWP USA is delighted to announce that the next seminar will be held on Saturday, October 20. It will feature the Leadership of the Heart Seminar Part I Session III: Emotional Maturity.