Students Receive Assistance Fund Amid Financial Difficulties During the Pandemic (WFWP Malaysia)

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Eight underprivileged female students received financial assistance of RM1,000 (250 USD) each, under the “Give Me A Chance” Education Assistance Fund Program organized by Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) Malaysia on April 24, 2021.

“I was very surprised to be selected to receive the fund,” said Chin Sin Yee, 19, from Sungai Way.
“I am very grateful. I will use this fund wisely for my university studies.”

The award ceremony was held after the “Conquer the Challenge'' youth motivational talk, a part of the “Give Me A Chance” education initiative, which took place at the Malaysia Peace Embassy. 30 underprivileged female university and college students attended the energetic and interactive talk given by a professional motivational speaker, Ms. V. Kalaiyarasi.

“Change starts from us, not from anyone else. We need to be positive, look forward, be creative and think out of the box,” Ms. Kalaiyarasi encouraged the students.

“I feel very blessed. Thank you for giving me a chance to further my studies. The program motivates me a lot and guides me to solve my problems in life with a positive mindset,” said Ms. Loganapriya, 20, who just finished her STPM examination earlier this April.

“We realized that there are many high performing girls from underserved families, who after their SPM or STPM, are still craving to continue their studies. At WFWP, we want to empower these girls. We believe they should be given the opportunity to further their studies and secure better-paying jobs to lift their families out of poverty in the long run,” said Mrs. Shobana M. Subramaniam, President of WFWP Malaysia.

The Women’s Federation for World Peace Malaysia is an NGO in General Consultative Status with the Social and Economic Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations. WFWP empowers women as peacebuilders in the family to transform the community, nation and world through education, partnership and humanitarian service.

You can check out WFWP Malaysia’s Website here