Strengthening our Children's Conscience

Written by: Olga Vakulinskaya

On May 22, 2023, WFWP Moscow gave two lectures at a school. The first was on, "The consequences of using bad words," for the 5th and 6th grades and the second was entitled, "My choice is the healthy lifestyle," for the 7th grade children. It was possible to organize these lectures only because of the support of the Parents’ Committee for those classes. Parents gave their consent for WFWP to hold such lectures for their children. 

Both lectures went very well. Children responded well, actively answering or asking questions, and some of them even gave useful additional information to the lecture. One representative of the Parents’ Committee who was present at the first lecture was inspired by the content. In a reflection she sent to all other parents, she wrote: “Today we had a lecture about the consequences of using bad words. I want to say that the lecturer has a very high professional level. She is very well educated. But what is most important - she could find the right words and right format in her communication with the children. The children were listening very attentively and were answering the questions. If we gave such lectures to our children more often, we would have much less problems with our children."

The class teacher of the 7th grade said that they would be very grateful if WFWP continued such lectures next year. The following are some reflections of the children in that class: 

"I thought that it was OK to drink alcohol on holidays but I have realized that it is more important to keep our health. I realized that it is very unpleasant even to look at smoking people. May God help that nobody can smoke!"

"Before our meeting I didn't know about the harm from nicotine. And I realized that it is better even not to start to drink alcohol or to smoke. I could realize how much harm this brings to humanity." 

"Before the lecture I thought it was normal to use tobacco and alcohol but after the lecture I realized that it is very bad. I was saddened by the fact that when people get sick, they become not needed by anybody."

Many children were most moved by the story of the lecturer’s father-in-law who had been smoking for many years but when he heard the news that his daughter-in-law was pregnant with his granddaughter, he gave up smoking right away. In their reflections many children wrote that her grandfather was really cool.

“I liked the whole lecture. I will try to stop smoking. Most of all I liked the story of the grandfather. He is great!”

"My opinion about using bad words has changed because thanks to this lecture I could look at myself from a different angle." 

"I think my opinion has changed because now I feel a pang of conscience."

 "I don't know how I can change the world. But at least I want to start with myself."

WFWP members feel that this kind of work is extremely urgent and important. Most children have a very pure heart and they are able to understand. We just need to reach them in time and give proper guidance and inspiration to them. WFWP Moscow is determined to continue such programs moving forward.

EUMEWFWP International