Promoting a Culture of Peace With Solar Lamps (WFWP Mali)

Written by: Cathérine Diarra

Women’s Federation For World Peace (WFWP) Mali carried out its solar lamps donation activities during the month of October, as part of a project “Giving the Gift of Light” sponsored by Giving for Good International. WFWP Mali visited seven villages in October, bringing together a total of 605 participants. So far, 70 solar lamps have been distributed and we hope to be able to continue giving light to those in need.

On October 16, 2021, the WFWP Mali team traveled to three villages: Baguineda, Sebela and Tiema. First, they arrived at Baguineda Village. They began by presenting on the purpose and objectives of WFWP and Mother’s Heart Peace Network. Next, the Giving For Good International (GFGI) Climate Action project was introduced, which is the sponsoring organization of this project.

From each village, 10 people are selected by their villages or organizations and they receive the solar lamps. A list of 10 women recommended by the President of the Women Association was chosen as beneficiaries to receive the solar lamps. The beneficiaries were very happy and expressed their gratitude to the donors.

After Baguineda village the team arrived at Sebela village and they were welcomed very warmly. Here, the WFWP team gave a talk on the importance of family. Strong families grounded in good morals are needed in order for society and the nation to flourish. We also explained that for the family to well function well, there needs to be mutual understanding, trust and good communication between the husband and wife.

These were some of the comments made by the beneficiaries.

“We will no longer have to worry about light”

‘’You will always be welcome in our village’’

One of the beneficiaries even shared that they had never had an important day like today and it was the team’s first time to receive a gift of this value. The last stop of the day was at the village of Tiema. After all the presentations, we gifted the solar lamps to ten women. They expressed many blessings and expressed their gratitude to the donors.

On October 30, 2021. We carried out our activities in four hamlets: Damado, Yessebougou, Bolibougou and Banankabougou, which is quite far from Bamako. We wanted to give joy to these women, to express the generous heart of the donors of the projects. The beneficiaries were very touched and they expressed their gratitude to donors. Now these women and their families will be able to work when it is dark and the children will also be able to study well. We celebrated this joyous time together by singing and dancing.