Pasifika Scholarship Fund Testimonies (WFWP Australia)

Pasifika Scholarship Fund:
The Pasifika Scholarship Fund was initiated in 2017 by WFWP Australia. The program is committed to providing women with opportunities to access empowering education programs. The scholarship supports young women who are passionate about getting an education and who align their beliefs and goals with the values of ‘Living for the sake of others’.

Monica Longanimala Ilala
WFWP Australia Pasifika Scholarship Recipient 2021
Solomon Islands

My name is Monica Longanimala Ilana, and I am from the Solomon Islands. I am completing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) at the University of the South Pacific (USP). I have successfully completed eight courses and must complete four more courses before I can achieve an MBA career. With my academic journey, I have found financial support difficult as tuition fees are very expensive.

I am blessed and humbled with having the privilege to receive the Pasifika Scholarship from WFWP Australia to support my education. Getting this scholarship is a great honor for me and my family. It tells me that I have the potential to create a future for our society. I am going to make sure of my responsibilities to represent our Solomon Island society and give back to the community. I am going to do the best I can to make my family and society happy - this is my aspiration. I will now be able to support my community with community business support through the knowledge and skills I have learned.

With this scholarship, I would like to sincerely express my heartfelt thanks for choosing me as one of the Pasifika Scholarship recipients from the Solomon Islands. I wish to give my special thanks to the WFWP Australia Pasifika Scholarship team and for my sponsors. Your kind and generous donation allow my studies to keep moving smoothly. You have given me so much hope and support for my education that I cannot express my gratitude in any words. For without your generous giving, my academic journey would not have been made possible. Once again, thank you so much.

Monica has two children, a ten-year-old daughter and a son who is seven. Sadly, her husband passed away in 2019.

Monica shared, “At first my children were not happy with me because I was having evening class from 5pm to 8:30, three days a week and arrived home late. As time went on, I explained to them my purpose for studying and they were happy that I was getting my MBA. My study motivates them to keep going to school so that one day they can also achieve a career through academic studies. At times my children and I study together at home. I prepare their school lessons, and I prepare mine, so it becomes fun at home.”

Janet Korasiara
WFWP Australia Pasifika Scholarship Recipient 2021
Solomon Islands

My Name is Janet Korasiara, and I am currently undertaking a Diploma in Teaching Early Childhood Education (ECE) Program. I am undertaking my studies at Solomon Island National University (SINU). First, I would like to take this great opportunity to thank Women’s Federation World Peace (WFWP) Australia for your wonderful help, support, and contribution towards my scholarship. Without your help towards my scholarship, I would not be who am I today.
However, your support will not only support me alone but will really contribute significantly towards my family, community, church as well as my country.

This year is my last year in completing my studies. Last month in September, I completed my Teaching Experience (T.E) practical at the Solomon Islands National Library Kindergarten School. I really enjoyed teaching ECE through sharing my knowledge and skills with early childhood learners. Your great help and support are highly appreciated indeed. Once again thank you and may God richly bless you and your family.