International Women's Day, Challenging Challenges and Celebrating Women's Queen Personality (WFWP Middle East)

Written By: Zoe Bennett

Dignity was the theme chosen by Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) Middle East to celebrate International Women’s Day.

Every year, International Women’s Day is celebrated and mentioned in every country of the world. With the challenging obstacles, the world is currently facing, women’s empowerment is needed more than ever! This is the reason, WFWP Middle East decided to address the inner state of women in this special webinar, which was held on March 10, and drew 80 participants in attendance.

Three young ladies from Lebanon, Sudan and Iran gave their mature and bold views on the theme of dignity. Each one, in their own way, demonstrated the inner power and desire that women have to impact the world with their character.

Ingrid Lindemann, author of the project “Dignity of Women,” gave an inspiring presentation exploring the ways in which women and men can develop self-dignity and display their divine personality. On this basis, the spirit of mutual respect, resilience and genuine care for the whole, can create a whirlpool of lasting peace. Mrs. Lindemann’s presentation was enjoyed by the audience. The audience recognized that being aware of one’s dignity will increase their wellbeing, as well as that of the people they relate to.

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