"Excellence is Women" Conference (WFWP Italy)

"Excellence is Women" is the title of the conference promoted by the "7colonne Association" and by the "Associazione TUTTI Europa ventitrenta", which took place on June 30, 2022, in the Aula Magna of the High Court of Cassation. This conference saw the participation of distinguished speakers who alternated in the 3 panels: Experiences, Women, Peace and Security, Association and Activism. Elisabetta Nistri, President of WFWP Italy, was invited by Silvia Sticca, organizer of the conference to report and collaborate on the panel: Women Peace and Security.

The panel was full of sharing and provided various perspectives and contributions on the issue of the importance of the presence of women at the tables of peace treaties and in the resolution of conflicts.

The president, after briefly presenting the aims and activities of the WFWP, intervened by reporting that in her commitment to peace over time, she had the opportunity to meet many excellent women. However, she also realized how many obstacles women still had to overcome. In certain countries, women need their rights recognized to be able to make their contribution to peace. Mrs. Nistri emphasized the importance of access to quality education for everyone, but especially for girls because this allows them in the future to have access to a job and be independent.

Having a job allows you to make a contribution to the family and maybe it can avoid the risk of becoming "child brides," it can allow a mother to continue to support her family in case her husband does not do it anymore and in the case of abandonment by her of her husband. Unfortunately, access to education is not easy precisely where it is most needed.

The situation is particularly difficult for women in Afghanistan, who cannot access universities and other schools, and this also leads to compromising the health of women and girls, because women can only be treated by female doctors. But Dr. Sakena Yacoobi has made a difference for many girls. In 1995 she opened schools, but since the girls could not attend them, she herself began to go to the houses to teach the girls. Once these girls finished their studies, they began to teach other girls in turn.

Dr. Sakena Yacoobi received the Sun Hak Award from WFWP founder Dr. Moon for her impactful work. The president specified the importance of a quality education that frees from the constraints of any authoritarian regime and can train young people in the values of respect for human rights, the dignity of self and neighbor and universally recognized values, which was presented to the UN in August 2021 by the WFWPI Office for UN Relations in Geneva.

WFWP is well aware of the important role women play in peace processes, is engaging through work with the IAFLP (International Association First Ladies for Peace) to involve past and present First ladies together with leading women in international diplomacy to create a network that can contribute to peace, through the precious feminine qualities.
But to really have an impact on peace processes, we need to be people of peace, peace must begin within each of us, it can hardly be taught if we do not live it. It is something that can be facilitated and built through processes, but above all, it is transmitted by living it inside, and it is necessary to bring peace in every relationship starting with the family, in the couple relationship, in the relationship between parents and children, in social relationships and in the social structure. In such a society, citizens, therefore, see their rights as respected, but they also commit themselves to fulfilling their duties. This leads to nations and peoples living in peace with each other.

For this reason, WFWP also offers training courses on these issues aimed at young students, parents, and young women. With the moderator Avv. Maria Pia Turiello, Silvia Sticca and all the other speakers created an interesting and constructive synergy that will certainly lead to interesting subsequent developments and consolidate the network of commitment of Women for Peace.

An article on this topic in Italian was published and you can view it here: