Cornerstone for Peace Educational Seminar (WFWP USA)

According to the American Psychological Association, “Healthy marriages are good for couples’ mental and physical health. They are also good for children; growing up in a happy home protects children from mental, physical, educational, and social problems.” However, despite many statistics and much research to support the many benefits of healthy marriages and families, we see them falling apart all around us. Sadly, many of us are ill-equipped to create the happy families we desire. Is it possible to create a culture which is conducive for building healthy, strong, and stable marriages and families? If so, how can we make that culture a reality?

With the intent of answering these questions and more, 30 women and men gathered virtually for the very first Cornerstone for Peace Seminar hosted by WFWP USA on June 12, 2021. Women from many walks of life of all ages, from the USA, Canada, Europe, South America, and beyond came together in the interest of learning how to uplift and empower marriage and family in our own lives and in our wider society.

WFWP Canada President, Mrs. Lilly Tadin, expertly guided the program as the emcee, giving a warm welcome to everyone for attending. After a brief icebreaker, WFWP USA President & WFWP International Vice President for North America, Mrs. Angelika Selle, shared the deeper vision behind the seminar. Ever since their marriage in 1960, our WFWP Founders, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon and Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon have made it their life work to teach some simple yet deep spiritual principles which can revive our marriages and families. As such, one of WFWP’s major areas of focus is on Marriage and Family as we believe the family is the school of love, peace, and joy and a strong family is built upon a balanced and harmonious relationship between husband and wife.

In the first session of the seminar, WFWP USA Vice President, Katarina Connery, outlined why we need a movement to uplift marriage and family. If we look at the divisions in the world today, the deeper issue at play is the breakdown of our families. This has been coupled with an increase in sexual relations outside of the commitment of marriage and an oversexualization of our culture. However, there are many positive outcomes for having strong and healthy families. As Father Moon has said, “Marriage is more than a simple coming together of a man and woman… Through marriage, a new future is created: societies are formed; nations are built… God’s world of peace is realized with married families at the center.” Mrs. Connery then turned to an overview of Father and Mother Moon’s lifelong work for marriage and family through the interfaith Marriage Blessing as well as the many other areas they invested in to create a wider family culture.

After a brief break, participants returned for the second session presented by Mrs. Connery. We looked at the two core universal principles put forth by Father and Mother Moon and how each and every one of us can reset the “pillars and beams” in our lives. Just like in architecture, you need strong pillars and beams in order for the building to be strong, there are some fundamental principles which should guide how we build wholesome relationship. First and foremost is living for the sake of others. As Mother Teresa has said, “It’s not about how much you do, but how much love you put into what you do that counts.” All religious traditions and people of spirituality and conscience would support this. Based on the foundation of being mature enough to think and live for others, Mrs. Connery explained, we can then build harmonious and balanced relationships between men and women. In such a family, children would then naturally learn to live and care for others.

With this backdrop of understanding the importance of family for our emotional and spiritual wellbeing, Mrs. Selle returned for the final session, outlining the transformational Marriage Blessing. The Marriage Blessing is a formula, created by Father and Mother Moon, through which millions of couples of every faith background have experienced a substantial shift in their minds, hearts, and relationships. A key part of the Marriage Blessing is couples embark on a 43-day journey to restore true love where they learn to intentionally commit to bringing God to the center of their marriage, investing in and loving their spouse as a child of God. Though the pattern of love between men and women has been broken since our first human ancestors, Mrs. Selle explained, the great news that renewal is always possible. As Mother Moon has said, “Your life is a gift from God. His will for us is that we make our lives beautiful and worthwhile. When we believe in our hearts that we are here for our children and family, for our spouse, as well as for all humanity and the entire world, we will find happiness. In all of this, your heart is your closest teacher.”

Overall, it was wonderful time of sharing, discussing what we each envision for our own marriages and families, and gaining a greater vision for how we invest in and love our families has an impact on building peace in the world.

If this content speaks to you, we invite you to join our community of women who uplift and support each other as we seek to be true daughters, sisters, wives and mothers and build a culture of heart. You can become a WFWP USA Friend here: a friend. Or WFWP USA Members enjoy many benefits, including access to monthly educational webinars, many of which are on topics for strengthening marriage and family:

Participant Feedback:

-My marriage to be a pillar for my community. Wow, what a concept and great vison and goal. - The blessing is really a life changing experience, you can see the true value of your partner, you can share true love and can give a better education to your children based on God Love.

- We don’t have to keep it for ourselves, it needs to be shared. Thanks to all.

- Very well organized, clear and efficient presentations. Thank you for your investment and heart to provide us all with these series. Deeply grateful! Now is time to multiply these blessings! - I loved the theme, the content and discussions. Thank you and I would like to stay connected with you. "