Benin: Int'l Women's Day 2017

Benin: International Women's Day 2017

MARCH 22, 2017  

WFWP Benin held three events to coincide with International Women's Day 2017, the first of which was a WFWP Conference held in the morning of March 8 at the Villa de l'Etoile de Cotonou with the theme "Women embodying family values." At this event, the president of WFWP Benin urged participants to live by the family values they represent, thus emerging from their status as the major actors who can bring great development in society. She expressed her hope that by the year 2020, there will be a high percentage of women leaders as decision-makers in all levels of society. She said, "Fight, not in a spirit of demand but for the realization of the goal."

The morning's conference was followed in the evening by the government of Benin's official celebration of International Women's Day at the Cotonou Convention Center, where government officials and members of women's associations took part. Adeleidjigba Dada Tokou, President of WFWP Benin, was among the IVPs, along with the Ministers. She shared her emotional experiences in tears, expressing her heartfelt connection to the WFWP founders. She stood for photos with the minister in charge of women and the Minister of State for Development.

The third event was held at a women's football match on the grounds of the Office of Radio and Television of Benin (ORTB) on March 11.

The women who attended expressed their gratitude and happiness at having taken part in the week's events. Many of the guests encouraged WFWP Benin to continue supporting women in to accomplishing their role in daily life and take care of their health.