Australia: Queensland Celebrates 25th Year

WFWP Queensland Celebrates WFWP's 25th Anniversary

APRIL 27, 2017  

Members and Guests Gather at Beautiful Campus in Brisbane


WFWP Queensland (Qld) held their 25th anniversary celebration with WFWP members, distinguished guests and friends at a the beautiful Centre for Interfaith and Cultural Dialogue in Griffith University Nathan Campus.

The event was emceed by Sharon Orapeleng, the Project Advisor of WFWP Qld. Special guest, Queensland Federal Senator Clair Moore, praised and encouraged WFWP's work of empowering women.

Another distinguished guest was honorary WFWP member, Gail Ker OAM, CEO of Access International Group. She spoke about her background, which led her to work in the refugee settlement field and shared her reflections on attending the United Nations' (UN) 61st Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) and WFWP's parallel event during CSW61 in New York. She shared how WFWP needs to work harder to improve the situation of women in the world, even though it has been 45 years since the UN started hosting CSW.

Mamiko Rattley, President of WFWP Qld, shared the 25-year history of WFWP and emphasised WFWP's core mission -- empowering women through education and support. She also outlined WFWP's project to raise funds to support WFWP Solomon Islands' dressmaking business for their kindergarten.

There were many leaders of different community groups and women's organisations, and several supportive husbands in the audience.

Everyone enjoyed a Japanese bento dinner and celebration cake, along with three beautiful songs offered by the duet "Signature." An overall inspiring celebration.